Glimpse of Day-1 Activities: Inaugural Ceremony, Oral &…
August 10, 2023Inauguration of 3 days Symposium NSRS-2023 (NIPERs Students…
August 10, 2023Seminar “Carbohydrate: The Sweetest Molecule for Cosmetic…
August 04, 2023Seminar by Mr. Nitin Bhusane, Director- Pharma, ShinEtsu…
August 03, 2023Educational Visit of students of B. Sc. (Hons.) Microbiology…
August 02, 2023Visit of NIPER NSS Unit to village Chilla, Distt. Mohali (#…
August 01, 2023Essay Writing Competition on "Sustainable Water/Energy/…
July 25, 2023HPLC and GC & FTIR Training (10-21 July, 2023)
July 10, 2023Plantation drive under the theme of "LiFE" (#…
July 05, 2023